Professional Mentoring Programme
Overview: I teach you how to channel your own Spirit Guides and Angels so you can develop a trusting lifelong relationship with them.
You will receive a one to one Zoom call with me every month. Looking at your own unique gifts, talents, sixth sense and communication style to connect and establish your own Personal Spiritual Team. This will enhance not only your own life, but the lives of others that you Channel for. In this programme you step into your Lightworkers Role on Earth.
Together we will work with the Archangels and Spiritual Masters that you are drawn to, and indeed the Archangels and Spiritual Masters that choose you as their Channel, through their Divine messages.
We will be connecting with Archangels, Angels of the World, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters, Keepers of the Light, Power Animals, Crystals and Essences.
As part of this fabulous programme, I will be providing private Zoom calls for this mentoring group, but we will also be connecting with the Divine Connections Group on a Thursday evening to take part in beautiful channeling and meditation sessions.
How to join my Professional Mentoring Programme Subscription Group: Please contact me today to join my Angel Support Group or 087-6555317 with any questions you may have!
I look forward to journeying with you.